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Who Are We
Submission Guidelines
We welcome thoughtful submissions on topics of interest to the The Global Novel community from all members. If you are interested in submitting something, please start by reading some of the articles on the site - they are your best guide. Submissions are open year-round and should be exclusive to The Global Novel. We read and edit everything we receive. Length requirements are flexible but should be appropriate for the genre, as characterized by the following:
- book reviews translated from other languages (1000 max)
- translated essays from other languages (1000 words max)
- translated essays on translation theories (1500 words max)
- translations of creative stories or fiction (1500 words max)
- poetry in translation (5 poems/1000 words max)
- film and art reviews, translated from other languages (1500 words max)
- art including photography, graphic novel, comics, or original art completed in any medium or mixed media
Board of editors: Claire L. Hennessy, Tom Ue, Gareth Reeves
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